Join Roberto Lim, Prana Vinyasa yoga teacher from Boston, for an arm balancing workshop on bakasana (crow) and its related poses. You will learn about arm balancing by connecting to the element of fire, and by developing an understanding of the vayus of prana especially samana vayu which is important to arm balancing. All levels are welcome to this practice.
About Roberto:
Roberto is a Prana Vinyasa yoga teacher and trainer who lives in the Boston area, and is an apprentice to Shiva Rea assisting her trainings and retreats since 2006. He has led teacher trainings in the US and Europe, and retreats in Mexico and Costa Rica. He is also a healer in the Modern Mystery School practicing Life Activation and aural healing. Roberto is a devoted student of living in the flow and believes that practice in all its forms is a way to embody the sacredness of life. //
Cost: $35 before Feb. 15, $40 after