Temporary Studio Closure Due to COVID-19

To The Yoga Tree Community,

First, let me start by saying thank you to everyone who has reached out over the last week as we’ve navigated such an unprecedented situation. I have been so moved by the kindness and compassion that our community encompasses and I am honored to consider each and every one of you a friend. In this chaotic time, it is so important that we continue to operate from a space of love and compassion for others. 

I have spent the last few weeks carefully considering the current pandemic that we find ourselves in; the negative emotions it stirs up, the effect(s) it is having on our clients & staff, and the best way to be of service to everyone. After hearing Governor Baker’s speech earlier this evening and speaking with many friends, family members and confidantes, it became apparent what the next step should be. 

It is with a heavy heart that I write this letter to let you know that The Yoga Tree will temporarily close to the public, effective immediately, for all in-studio classes. This means that we will also have to adjust our game plan as far as online classes. While we will still offer classes online, we will have to pivot away from the live stream option and instead switch to on-demand yoga videos. This new scenario will take some additional time to set up but I hope to have videos available for you by Wednesday or Thursday; we will continue to add new videos each week as we navigate the current global crisis. 

Please know that I take neither the decision to close nor the health and well-being of our entire Yoga Tree community lightly. I spoke with many students this morning who thanked us for remaining open and continuing to provide a space of a peace and tranquility among the mayhem. It is my main priority to continue to provide this same experience for you, albeit in a different format temporarily. 

The current plan is to close through March and re-open in April. All workshops scheduled for March will be postponed until late spring/early summer. With everything changing at such a rapid pace, I will continue to monitor the situation and let you know of any changes to the re-open date as the end of the month nears. Once we have a better idea of how long the closure will remain in effect, we will re-schedule all postponed workshop dates and get the details out to you. 

I will post more information as soon as possible with information on the new online class options, as well as how we’ll handle current class passes and memberships. I am working diligently to make sure that this temporary closure has as minimal an impact as possible. 

In the meantime, don’t forget to breathe deeply. If you need to chat, I am always available. Wishing you health and wellness in the coming weeks and sending (virtual) hugs to each and every one of you.
