Tayla david
RYT 200
Describe your teaching style in 5 words: mindful, thorough, uplifting, inclusive, thoughtful
Dream retreat destination: Too many to list! My top 3 are Bali, Costa Rica + Hawaii
Favorite yoga pose: Supported Fish with bolsters, blocks, blankets and sand bags 🥰
Best advice you’ve ever been given: Everything will be okay, break it down and take one step at a time
One book you’d recommend to any yogi: The Tree of Yoga by B.K.S Iyengar
Three Songs To Flow To: Tender Love by Mounika, Painter by Lapsley, and of course any song by Trevor Hall!
Relevant Certifications + Trainings: 200-hr YTT, 50-hr Yoga for Cancer Recovery, Reiki Level 1 + 2