Fostering Inclusivity - Book Club

We are running a book club and we want you to join us

We are staring on Thursday, July 2. Our first book will be: Waking up White, and Finding Myself in the Story of Race, by Debbie Irving. 

In solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement and the necessity for ongoing, communal learning, we are expanding our offerings off the mat. We are hosting a (hopefully ongoing!) book club where we get to learn and unlearn together, centered on reading books that examine blackness, whiteness, anti-racism and anti-oppression.

We know this might seem like a lot. This is new territory for us too! But our commitment to the yogic teachings, beginning with the principle of Ahimsa or anti-violence, is requiring that we move forward and begin again, with all our imperfections. This group will be facilitated, rather than taught or led, encouraging all to join in the conversation as we grow and do the work together to create a more just and diverse community at The Yoga Tree and beyond.

Where + When

Our group will meet Thursday evenings from 5:30-6:30 pm, on Zoom. If you cannot make our discussions, they will be recorded and sent out each week. 

Reading Requirements

The reading requirement will be approximately 20 pages per week. Each book we choose will also have an audiobook version available. 

Our group will take approximately 12-weeks to work through each book. 


The cost is $55 for the 12-week series, not including the cost of the book or audiobook. The studio will be donating all profits to POSE, Inc. and The Loveland Foundation.

BIPOC (black/brown, indigenous, and people of color) community members are welcome to join free of charge

Frontline workers and those in financial hardship are welcome to join free of charge

If you are in a financial position to pay more than $55, please know that your contribution will sponsor someone else in our community and benefit two amazing organizations working to create societal change through empowering our BIPOC community. Our book club will be facilitated by Yoga Tree teacher, Adelaide Gross. 

If you have any questions, hesitations, have read the book or have suggestions for facilitation, please reach out. We want to hear from you, to be with you, and to grow together, now more than ever. This is only the beginning of our efforts to create and provide a safe, supportive space for everyone.