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Describe your teaching style in 5 words: Always rooted in love & encouragement. (I am hoping you don't count the ampersand as a word haha)

Dream retreat destination: Oh gosh, there are so many amazing places. Hawaii was the place where I found yoga and deep healing at a pivotal point in my life, so the Big Island of Hawaii still wins I think!

Favorite form of pranayama + why: I rely a lot on "pursed lip breathing": inhale through the mouth, longer exhale through pursed lips (as if you were going to whistle). It really helps me with calming, focus and a sense of wellbeing.

Best advice you’ve ever been given: When you feel overwhelmed, take some time to think of everything that is actually okay. Our brains are deeply wired to highlight danger, risk and worry, so sometimes it helps to purposefully and intentionally shed light on the more positive and hopeful things.

One book you’d recommend to any yogi: Buddha's Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love, and Wisdom by Rick Hanson and Richard Mendius - I learned SO much from this very readable book!

Three Songs To Flow To: "Weird Goodyes" by Bon Iver & The National, "Look Up" by Joy Oladokun", "O, I Love You" by Essie Jain

Relevant Certifications + Trainings: 16+ years of teaching, 800 Hours of Yoga Training, Reiki Master, Mentor for Yoga Teachers and Retreat Leaders, Certified Sound Practitioner through Sacred Sounds

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